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Government Contracts

Trainer Certification Training

United States Government Set-asides: SBA, WOSB, EDWOSB

We provide global training solutions for Trainer Certification Training online and onsite for groups and individuals. Training courses can be tailored to meet the needs of your trainers and organization.

PrepMasters is an MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer) Microsoft Approved Presentation Skills Provider

Request for Trainer Certification Training and Capability Statement here.

ILT and Online Certification Training:

  • Train-the-Trainer Certification (MCT, Microsoft Approved Presentation Skills) — ILT
  • Train-the-Trainer Certification (MCT, Microsoft Approved Presentation Skills) — Online
  • Train-the-Trainer Certification — ILT
  • Train-the-Trainer Certification — Online
  • Train-the-Trainer Certification Virtual Trainer — ILT
  • Train-the-Trainer Certification Virtual Trainer — Online
  • CTT+ Classroom Trainer — ILT
  • CTT+ Classroom Trainer — Online
  • CTT+ Virtual Trainer — ILT
  • CTT+ Virtual Trainer — Online

Student Video Testimonials


Nothing needs to be improved in this workshop! It allowed me to view myself through another's eyes and I was impressed by the amount of new training methods I learned. The media and visuals worked well with my specific learning style!

R. V.
Data Tech
U.S. Marine Corps

More testimonials…

Become a Great Trainer

  • Best Value for Trainer Training
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Pre-Class Learning Kit (PLK)
  • Only 6 students per class!
  • TestPrep software
  • In-class video performance
  • Develop Presentation & Training skill-sets

Approved by…

MCT Trainer


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