Train The Trainer Workshops from PrepMasters USA

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Why is PrepMasters' Train-the-Trainer Workshop the BEST

Preparing Master Trainers!

Instructional expertise is key to trainer success! Based on cutting-edge adult-learning research, we specialize in developing you and your team to be the very best in their field of training. Others have tried to imitate our process and fallen short of the outstanding results and trainee success we have produced for over a decade. Why? Because we care about advancing you in your career as an Expert Trainer! Our trainees come from all fields of training and all corners of the earth to learn this world-class skill-set.

Prepmasters Train the Trainer Certification Workshop (1.88 M)

Prepmasters Train the Trainer online certification (951.04 K)

Do you want to be a successful Trainer?

The PrepMasters' USA Train-the-Trainer Certification is an internationally recognized and accepted trainer certification. This industry certification will promote career success for trainers, facilitators and educators alike.

We have helped thousands of trainers, teachers, and facilitators achieve their career goals. Additionally, many of our trainees increase their income as a trainer within a few months of achieving a PrepMasters’ Certification.

Train-the-Trainer Certification Online and Workshop

How many boring classes have you attended during your life? Ten, twenty, one hundred or more? Most trainers are Subject Matter Experts, but few can train. To be an effective trainer takes more than knowing your subject, you must also have instructional expertise.

Our online TTT Certification Training or 2-day workshop will provide you with the Master Trainer skill-set you need to be successful. The PrepMasters’ Train-the-Trainer Certification gives you the skills and the certification you need to soar to the top of your field.


It was a great workshop — I highly recommend it! The workshop was thorough in covering adult learning techniques. The Master Trainer accurately evaluated my training needs, was very positive, and was an excellent coach.

Sherri Dungan
Training Manager
Exxon Mobil

A few of the key concepts you'll learn

  • The secrets of adult learning
  • Turn around problem trainees
  • Make training easier and more fun
  • How to get more work as a trainer
  • Powerful professional presentations
  • Be the trainer they remember fondly for a lifetime
  • Accelerate learning and boost retention of information
  • Increase interaction, interest and enthusiasm in the classroom

Who Should Attend Train-the-Trainer?

Any professional who wants to be an outstanding trainer of adults including: Corporate trainers and facilitators, Microsoft Certified Trainers (seeking MCT), trainers/teachers/instructors from all fields of training.

Read Our Testimonials & find out why Fortune 500 Companies use PrepMasters USA!

What you'll learn at our Train the Trainer Certification Workshop

Train-the-Trainer Certification Workshop 2-day course outline

Module-1 How do adults learn?

  • Subject Matter Expertise vs. Instructional Expertise
  • Secrets of effective learning
  • More

Module-2 Understand your training strengths and weaknesses

  • What kind of trainer are you?
  • How does this impact your training?
  • More

Module-3 Dynamic training for adults

  • What motivates adults?
  • Barriers to adult learning
  • More

Module-4 Metacognitive learners

  • Failure: A stepping stone to success
  • Positive attitudes
  • More

Module-5 How to be a Great Trainer: world-class skill-set

  • How many "Great" trainers are there?
  • Great trainer skill-set
  • 30 skills to transform your classes
  • More

Module-6 Use only the best memory tools & skills

  • Organization
  • Top memory tools
  • Best learning-to-learn skills
  • More

Module-7 Sidestepping and handling difficult problems

  • Turning around problem students
  • Legal requirements of learner reports
  • More

Module-8 Powerful professional presentations

  • Rule #1
  • Powerful Presentations
  • Avoid presenter mistakes
  • More

Module-9 Top instructional media in the classroom

  • Highly effective media
  • Interactive training
  • More

Module-10 Professional appearance

  • What to wear: when and why
  • Formality
  • More

Module-11 Principled classroom decorum

  • Instructor conduct
  • Learning facility
  • Colleague interaction
  • More

Module-12 Build-a-Bridge and learning leadership

  • Perfect knowledge transfer and acquisition
  • Are you leading or losing your class?
  • Great trainers are…
  • The truth of instructorship
  • More

Live in-class presentations and coaching


  • Practice presentation, filmed


  • Final presentation, filmed

Train-the-Trainer Seminar Times

Training skills, certification and live presentation skill videos

The PrepMasters workshop was an outstanding experience! I walked away with a vast amount of information. The one-on-one coaching and constructive feedback I received made me feel more comfortable training in the classroom and greatly improved my presentation skills for the final video and life.

Thomas R. Boomer
Technology Consultant
Hewlett Packard

Click here to sign up for the Workshop

Click here to sign up for Online TTT Certification Training

Student Video Testimonials



The PLK helped me to form an upcoming presentation and emphasized my need for the training. The Workshop improved my presentation skills and great results immediately followed the training! Thank you!

Olga Evans
The EK Group

More testimonials…

Become a Great Trainer

  • Best Value for Trainer Training
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Pre-Class Learning Kit (PLK)
  • Only 6 students per class!
  • TestPrep software
  • In-class video performance
  • Develop Presentation & Training skill-sets

Memorable Quote

“Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”


Approved by…

MCT Trainer


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